Saturday, March 29
Just another day ......
Jack has himself one wild and vivid imagination. It is not unusally to have him greet us in the morning with his list of "projects" and activiites that he would like to do for the day. At our house we use a lot of hot glue, foil & paint sticks (is it wrong that I take a handfull each time I am at home depot even if I don't by paint?). We go through markers and paper like nobody's business- so much for being enviormentally friendly. Along with projects Jack likes to become the "whatever it is that day" by wearing a costume. This is sometimes difficult because the local costume store does not sell robot, pollenjock, or crown of thorn costumes. So he is left to create one himself. Thanks to he latest kids movie "The Bee Movie" becoming a "pollenjock" -those are the strong studdly bees who leave the hive and collect nectar and pollen- has become a daily event. It was the below photo op that made me relize that there is just to much craziness that happens in this house for me to keep to myself...I must share the shinanigans of our crazy little boy with you. (Yes, that is a bike helmet with a paper visor on his head and he is wearing a "nectar collecting" nerf gun on his back.) WHOSE KID IS THIS!