Jack woke with one thing on his mind FEAST: preschool style. What a treat that was. Each child set their own table, decorations and all. Earlier in the month the teacher asked what each child would like to bring for the feast. Whatever they said, is what they brought so today's menu included: ice cream cones, pumpkin pie, pancakes, peperoni, broccoli and cookies just to name a few. After the delicious lunch we were treated to several songs performed by the kiddos. It was great.
mommy and the fabulous host
Jack and his special guest Mormor
Max loved the party atmosphere and food
This evening we had dinner with our friend Dana and then sat and enjoyed Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving, then off to bed for the kiddos. Tonight dreams of cinnamon rolls and parade fun will dance in their heads (or at least mine) . Ahh Thanksgiving. We love it at the Lyons!