Friends & Family arrived and we settled into chatting with drinks and then sharing in a Lyons favorite: Tacos for dinner.
Then Max took quiet naturally to the place of prominance: the birthday chair for the opening of gifts. He really got into it. He appropriately "oohhed and awed" after each one. The kid is set as far as cute clothes, fun activities and playmobile guys go.
Then came cake. At this celebration we had the "american funfetti cake" in the shape of a soccer ball, as well as the traditional Guatemalan birthday cake : Tres Leche,(thanks mormor) after one bite of Tres Leche..."yeah, we will be having THAT again" so tasty.
Now mixed into the family birthday crowd were some of our favorite friends. These are my dear friend Gretchen and Jenny, who were so kind as to join me last year at Max's first birthday party that we held at the local mcdonalds...were we cried and sipped milkshakes because he was still in Guatemala. So of course they had to be here this year as we celebrated.
And here are our friends Benton and Judy, whom we love so much. Benton lived for a time in Guatemala and has been our translator when we have written to and talked to Max's foster mom. What a gift, and Judy, always the grandma has prayed so much for us and made Max his very special blue blanket that he sleeps with nightly. We were so excited that they joined in the fun.
At the end of the evening we had one happy and tired little boy. We are so blessed to have Max in our family. He brings us such joy.