* when I left the stadium I felt as though I needed yet another xbox in my home for some reason.* Since that is Jon's department at Microsoft he was able to score us some tickets from a friend at work. The tickets where great club level seats (always fun when you get to ride a secret elevator) and included "field passes" aka. huge plastic tags hanging from stadium sanctioned lanyards that you must display proudly and occassionaly flash at the lovely security people. You get to the field via a secret hallway. super cool. We enjoyed being on the field. You gain such a better understanding of just how large the field and the facility are.But we were goofy and left the field just prior to the players coming on to warm up...next time we will know better. Oh well, it was back up to our seats for some dinner - love game food- and then the match. It was a great game, the sounders won 2-0 Thanks in part to my favorite player Zakawani (hello, how cool is that last name) and each time a goal was scored the place errupted in noise and confetti poured from the sky. We have now learned that soccer is a confetti sport. It was such a fun night. We are hoping that Jack and Jon will be able to do an afternoon match some time this season, Jack would totally get into it.
a little field level shot.
a winning team departing the coffetti covered field
thanks jumbotron for the headshot of my man Zakawani